I read the book "Born to Run" and it changed my whole outlook on running.
I did a lot of research on barefoot/minimal footwear running and ultimately made my own huaraches out of some vibram rubber sole and cotton cord. And I love it. I will never go back to running shoes again. The overbuilt, super-padded running shoes actually only came into existence in the 1970s. Our feet, which ran strong and barefoot for millions of years, have been turned into wimps in 30 years. Here are some pictures of how I run - and I've never felt better as a runner! If you Google or YouTube barefoot running and huaraches you will find a ton of info about barefoot running, making your own footwear and the research to support it. I've put some of my own favorite articles below.
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
Here are several articles about barefoot running (they are interesting, really, not dry and technical):
A Harvard Study
A Penn State Study
Popular Mechanics
Science Daily
Great Daily Mail article!